
08:00 - 08:50

Breakfast & Networking

08:50 - 09:00

Chairs welcome

09:00 - 09:20

►Foundations for security: crafting a new security strategy and culture 

Tim Collinson, Head of Information Security, Walkers

  • From Boardrooms to Bins: Where to find the information to get your strategy started.
  • Department of Yes: Positioning the security team as friendly, approachable and helpful
  • InfoSec's Got Talent: How and where to get the best people and persuade them to join the team

►Cyber insurance: the last line of defence

Mike Tewfik, Cyber & Tech Underwriter, Beazley

  • Key claims data and current insights
  • How AI is changing the cyber risk landscape
  • Shedding light on risks and ways to boost your cyber insurance protection
  • Boosting your insurability
09:40 - 10:00

►An overview of cyber threats facing the legal sector, and using Threat Intelligence to mitigate risk

James Allman-Talbot, Head of Incident Response and Threat Intelligence, Quorum Cyber

Jon Cranton, Legal Sector Lead, Quorum Cyber

  • Protecting sensitive client information and proprietary data against increasingly targeted exploits by cybercriminals
  • Leveraging Threat Intelligence to effectively mitigate legal sector specific risks, provide robust protection and ensure the integrity and confidentiality of legal operations
  • Enhancing cyber security strategy and safeguarding your practice against evolving threats
10:00 - 10:20

►Cyber Resilience is not a breach challenge but a human challenge

Sarb Sembhi, Founder and Chair, Mental Health in Cyber Security Foundation

This session will delve into the challenges faced by cybersecurity professionals and discuss potential strategies to address these issues and enhance cyber resilience effectively.
•    Overcoming the limitations of conventional cyber resilience strategies
•    Understanding the impact of cybersecurity challenges on professionals and consequently businesses
•    Exploring solutions and approaches for change 

10:20 - 11:00

►Education Seminars Session 1

Delegates will be able to choose from the following education seminars:

  • How to design for any behaviour in security, Maxime Cartier, Head of Human Risk, Hoxhunt
  • Cyber Remediation - Planning for Failure, Derek Charles, Senior Cloud Consultant, Exponential-e 
11:00 - 11:30

Networking Break

11:30 - 12:00

►Panel Discussion: Managing supply chain security - Understanding the risks suppliers may pose to you and your wider supply chain and the sensitivity of information your suppliers may hold

Jas Bassi, Head of Solution Delivery, Gateley  (Moderator) 
Jonathan Root, Head of Information Security, Mishcon de Reya 
Valerie Jenkins, Chief Information Security Officer, Clyde & Co LLP 
James Kwaan, CIO - GS&S, Lloyds Banking Group 

  • Do you really know the full extent of your supply chain?
  • How are suppliers managing risks to your contract and data effectively? 
  • What are your rights to audit and what information should suppliers share about their supply chain?
  • What are your minimum security requirements for suppliers and do you treat all suppliers the same from a risk perspective?
  • How do you meet your own responsibilities as a supplier?
12:00 - 12:30

►Panel Discussion: Managing the response to a cybersecurity threat in an organized way 

Francisco Sanches, Director of Cyber Consulting, Mishcon de Reya (Moderator)
Tim Collinson, Head of Information Security, Walkers
Martyn Styles, CISO, Bird & Bird 
Jonathan Root, Head of Information Security, Mishcon de Reya 
Stephen Beckett, Global Security and Business Continuity Director, Dentons

An effective response requires a well-executed incident response and remediation strategy for before and after an incident to limit major disruption to business operations and financial harm. 

  • Assessing the full impact across the whole organisation
  • Implementing your incident response plan
  • Managing the legal, technical, and operational considerations: containment eradication and recovery
  • Crisis communication — a central part of crisis resolution


12:30 - 13:10

►Education Seminars Session 2

Delegates will be able to choose from the following education seminars:

  • The Recovery Position, Phil Cambers, Commercial Director, Trustack
  • Managing Security Incidents: Prevention Strategies and Worst-Case Planning, Natalija Buldakova, Solution Architect, Quest Software
13:10 - 14:00

Lunch & Networking

14:00 - 14:20

►Who's on your shoulder — our devices and our privacy

Jonathan Freedman, Head of Technology & Security, Howard Kennedy

  • What personal data are our mobile devices revealing?
  • Keeping our data private
  • Compromising mobile devices
  • OSINT – just how much is out there?
14:20 - 14:40

►Cybersecurity in Crisis: Aligning Compliance Strategies to Combat the Triple Threat of Ransomware, Data Breaches, and Extortion Attacks in the Legal Sector

Richard Cassidy, Field CISO, Rubrik

  • Evolution of Cyber Threats: Insights into how ransomware, data breaches, and extortion attacks are evolving and the unique risks they pose to the legal sector
  • Strategic Compliance: How compliance is transforming into a strategic imperative, ensuring your firm not only meets regulatory requirements but also fortifies its defenses against cyber threats
  • Proactive Cybersecurity Planning: Moving beyond reactive measures to proactive strategies that provide your firm with a competitive edge in cyber defense
  • Balancing Agility and Security: Effective methods to maintain business agility while implementing robust security protocols that align with regulatory standards
14:40 - 15:20

►Education Seminars Session 3

Delegates will be able to choose from the following education seminars:

  • Go on the Offensive by Merging AI and Human Expertise for Email Security, Jamie Little, Chief Technology Officer, EveryCloud and Justin Pemberton, Senior Director of Sales
  • Browser security – the proven prevention layer for enterprise cybersecurity, Tom McVey, Sr. Solution Architect, Menlo Security
15:20 - 15:40

Networking Break

15:40 - 16:00

►AttackGen: Leveraging AI for Dynamic Incident Response Testing 

Matt Adams, Head of Security Enablement, Citi

  • AttackGen makes threat-driven incident response testing more accessible and efficient for organisations of all sizes.
  • It combines data from MITRE ATT&CK with Large Language Models to quickly generate comprehensive incident response scenarios for Red & Blue teams.
  • This talk will feature live demos that explore AttackGen’s features.
16:00 - 16:30

►Panel discussion: Managing personal legal and emotional challenges for CISOs

Simon Brady, Managing Editor & Event Chairman, AKJ Associates (Moderator)
Jonathan Armstrong, Partner, Punter Southall Law
Peter Olivier, Head of Security Delivery, Admiral Insurance 
Ash Hunt, CISO, Apex Group

  • With increasing personal liability for CISOs under UK regulations and the emotional toll of being held accountable for cyber incidents — including potential fines and criminal charges — how do you balance legal accountability and personal responsibility?
  • How can CISOs guard against their own liability?
  • Are you worried about personal liability? Is insurance a consideration?
  • Addressing ethical challenges such as balancing business interests with security needs along with the personal consequences of these decisions.
  • With the psychological impact on CISOs, does your organisation offer support for stress management and mental health and what’s out there for CISOs?
16:30 - 17:30

Drinks Reception & Networking

Education seminars

Go on the Offensive by Merging AI and Human Expertise for Email Security

Jamie Little, Chief Technology Officer, EveryCloud
Justin Pemberton, Senior Director of Sales

Attendees will learn: 

  • How email security has evolved in the last decade
  • How AI is transforming traditional email security approaches
  • Integrating human insight with AI algorithms
  • Leveraging AI to create highly accurate and dynamic phishing simulations
  • The benefits of a holistic approach to secure law firms

The Recovery Position

Phil Cambers, Commercial Director, Trustack

The cybersecurity landscape is rapidly changing, driven by advancements in technology which are being exploited by bad actors coupled with evolving work models. As cyber threats become more sophisticated, it is crucial for organisations to stay ahead by updating their security infrastructures and adopting next-generation technologies. For the legal sector, robust security practices are essential to protect sensitive client data and comply with regulatory requirements.

Attendees will learn: 

  • Listen to real world accounts of breaches our customers have encountered and the impact it had on their business.
  • Identification: How the breach occurred and the subsequent impact.
  • Containment: How was the threat closed down?
  • Recovery: How long did it take to recover the customer?
  • Lessons Learned: What could have been done to prevent the attack?

How to design for any behaviour in security

Maxime Cartier, Head of Human Risk, Hoxhunt

Are there any risky behaviours you wish people in your organisation would just stop doing? Or secure actions you hope they would take more often? With the human element accounting for around 75% of breaches in 2023, we must evolve from traditional security awareness to real behavior change.

What attendees will learn: 

  • A new model to design for any behaviour (referenced by 1,000+ academic publications).
  • How to apply the model to cybersecurity , with walkthrough of real-life examples such as reporting security incidents or using approved cloud platforms.
  • Effective strategies for implementing learned skills into tackling human risk in your law firm, summarised in a physical handout given to participants.

Managing Security Incidents: Prevention Strategies and Worst-Case Planning

Natalija Buldakova, Solution Architect, Quest Software

With 74% of breaches involving the human element and ransomware attacks skyrocketing, safeguarding business identities has never been more crucial. Join us in this session as we explore the pivotal role of protecting your business from these threats. You'll gain actionable insights into potential consequences and effective mitigation strategies, alongside comprehensive worst-case scenario planning. Empower yourself to fortify your organisation's defences against evolving cyber threats with practical knowledge and proactive measures.

Attendees will learn:

  • Today’s Cybersecurity Challenges
  • Implementing Dynamic Preventative Measures
  • Developing Robust Strategy for Worst-Case Scenarios

Browser security – the proven prevention layer for enterprise cybersecurity

Tom McVey, Sr. Solution Architect, Menlo Security

According to Google, 98% of attacks originate from internet usage and 80% of those target end user browsers – sadly all too successfully. Combine this stark reality, with users’ relentless demand for new SaaS and private applications, often collaborating with external stakeholders, and security pros are always running to stand still.  

Attendees will learn:

  • Security – The proven value of robust browser security across managed and unmanaged devices – automating browser configuration and establishing enhanced browser forensics.
  • Connectivity – Your users and third parties need access to SaaS applications, private web apps and data, including the use of GenAI. We share how organisations are enhancing user protection and productivity while reducing the cost and complexity of solutions such as VDI.
  • Compliance – How browser security supports organisations striving to comply with key NIS 2 requirements for incident management and prevention 
  • We will provide real world examples and case studies of how to increase cyber prevention through improved browser security. 

Cyber Remediation - Planning for Failure

Derek Charles, Senior Cloud Consultant, Exponential-e 

It takes an average of 3 months for law firms to recover from cyber-attacks, resulting in harm to their established brand reputation, loss of client trust, and a significant financial impact ranging from £10m to £50m. However, by implementing strategies to avoid ransom demands and quickly restoring critical data, law firms can resume operations in a matter of days rather than months.

Attendees will learn:

•    The components of a robust prevention and remediation strategy to ensure minimised downtime and impact whilst restoring data effectively and securely.