25th PCI London
24th January 2024 • London, UK
Securing tomorrow’s payment channels today
Card data is just one of many pieces in the payment security jigsaw. What are you missing?
Payment security is a business must
As we all know, a key source of friction in organisations is where the desire of revenue generators to maximise the top-line clashes with the needs of the enterprise for a secure environment that minimises the risks of financial and reputational loss to customers and the business.
Nowhere is that clash more obvious than in payments. The business wants to offer as many payment options as possible. But for treasurers who have to figure out the implications for cash management, and cybersecurity and compliance professionals who have to ensure that customer data is protected, that proliferation brings many headaches.
And as fast as the security industry comes up with smart security solutions, from biometrics to MFA, so hackers bypass those with smarter hacks, including voice and video deepfakes as well as clever exploitation of ways in which Cloud services inadvertently turn MFA into SFA.
PCI DSS offers a set of principles and concrete policies and processes that can help.
So, this year’s event will look at:
• The latest developments in the payment space
• The regulatory environment and the increase in true cybersecurity regulation
• The steps firms can take in next three /6 / 9 months as they look at version 4.0
• Who is moving successfully to PCI DSS 4.0 and how are they doing it?
• Sectoral differences in the approach to PCI DSS compliance
• The role of new technologies on both sides of the security equation
• Generative AI: relevant or hype?