Thanks for another thought provoking event. Some useful insights into technical security in terms of implementing cloud security controls, and assessing the risk of open source code in our applications, and implementing Policy as Code. And also more general resilience approaches. A day well spent.
The event organisation and management was impeccable and on-point. I really appreciate the content and the depth of speakers curated for the same.
It was genuinely an insightful experience and good opportunity to gain visibility into industry practices.
I would very much be interested in attending more of these events as and when possible for me.
It was a great event. Speakers were very knowledgeable and approachable. Overall arrangement was great and one the best part, venue was very close to underground and accessible. I was grateful to be a part of the event.
It was a pleasure attending the Securing Financial Services summit. The event was well organised and provided the ideal opportunity to network with attendees and hear security specialists speak about topical issues facing the financial sector.
It was a really well organised event and I gained a lot from it.
Well done. I enjoyed the presentations and information provided all day by competent participants. Excellent organised and managed. Thank you for the very positive experience.
The Securing Financial Services forum was a great event, with some thought provoking presentations across the day and some good risk insights, I found the presentation covering differing approaches to risk appetite to be excellent.
The online conference format was intuitive and an excellent user experience - I liked the ability to deal with a few matters arising between sessions and still get the whole session.
Very interesting speakers / catch up with contacts etc. Also fantastic virtual experience - well thought out and added lots of value - actually preferred it on one level to the normal (always good) previous events.
This is now the 3rd e-Crime conference I have attended with AKJ and as usual the quality of the event organisation and presentations was excellent. In the ever changing landscape of cyber threats these events offer great insight into the approach and techniques adopted by peers to protect systems and data, complemented by industry expertise and tools. This event has been particularly useful as we look to develop our internal understanding of how our teams react and tackle an attack, with some very pertinent sessions on cyber training, battle simulations and threat intelligence.
I enjoyed the conference very much. I thought the platform and the format was exceptional. Liked the idea that I could do my day to day and still catch up on the presentations. Well done.
The level of engagement yesterday [at the Virtual Securing Financial Services Summit] was outstanding and we have already managed to book 2 meetings as a result, live on the day.
As a first time attendee at the e-Crime & Cybersecurity Congress, I was very impressed with the range of speakers, the topics covered and the material they used. This year being a virtual Congress I was able to commit to attending with the knowledge that I could dip in and out during the 2 days should anything come up at work. As it happens I was able to attend almost all of it. The virtual platform utilised was very intuitive and ideal for this size of event. The presentations, live Q&A, downloadable resources, Vendor Stands etc were all very good and I had no technology connection issues. All in all it was a thoroughly enjoyable event, professionally organised and facilitated and I will certainly recommend it to other Security Professionals. Thank you
I really appreciated the virtual conference model, and I feel it is one of the best online conferences I have ever attended. The speaker topics were very interesting and insightful, especially focusing on current unprecedented times. The resources available in sponsors’ booths as well as speaker presentation material was very relevant and helpful for the whole IT/Information Security/Internal Audit gamut.
Thanks, very enjoyable. Look forward to my invitation to the March event. Thanks to everyone making this possible in these difficult times. I actually spent the whole day on it!
I want to thank and congratulate AKJ Associates on a terrific e-Crime & Cybersecurity Congress. Your professionalism, along with the able support of all your sponsors, delivered a great event that was appreciated by all.
The e-Crime Congress organized virtually on 21st October was one of a kind. The contents were as always excellent and engrossing. What stood out is the format, layout of the website, organization and logistics – it was absolutely amazing. A huge thank you to AKJ Associates for hosting such a wonderful event!
e-Crime remains a critical event for security professionals. Year after year, AKJ have managed to stay on top of market trends and deliver on the demand for topical expertise from its attendees and we are delighted to be part of the e-Crime series.
I would like to congratulate AKJ Associates for organising an excellent congress. This well attended event is informative and highly relevant with well-chosen speakers and useful breakout sessions. Vendors are not overly aggressive and actually volunteer a lot of useful information. The facilities were equally excellent, if a little crowded on the first day, which is a testament to the value many companies find in the event. The wide variety of industry sectors represented was both refreshing and useful for the sharing of ‘war stories’. All in all a very satisfactory two days.
The conference went well especially as it had to be made online instead of in person due to the coronavirus pandemic. It was really well organized and the platform was easy to use. As for the presentations, it’s always valuable to hear expert opinions in the context of issues that we deal with everyday in IT/Information security. There was a wide range of speakers with different backgrounds which allowed for great diversity and ensuring that all important aspects, hardships, processes are identified giving a better contextual background to the issues discussed.
Thank you for the great, structured and organized virtual session. It felt like we were physically present. Further, the topics were really the current concerns, not just in UAE but across the world and the speakers were very knowledgeable. Looking forward to the next conference.
The e-Crime & Cybersecurity Congress is a must for people within many areas of industry, as the speakers excellent, the content very relevant, the presentations fantastic, and the event excellent. I left feeling more informed and ready for new challenges.
You’ve rallied some amazing people to come speak and a very empowering group of experts that you were able to bring together on panels discussions. All sessions were very informative. All in all, a great event, packed with lots of knowledge and great speakers, offering a compact source of inspiration.
As PCI London’s first virtual event it was certainly a great success for Eckoh. We were thrilled to welcome so many attendees to our speaker session as well as to our virtual booth. The agenda was well put together offering insightful and relevant topics. The event and build up was well organised and the actual event site was easy to navigate - from the lobby to networking and joining the conference sessions - making it a great experience for participants as well as delegates.
Merci beaucoup de m'avoir invité à ce seminaire très interessant. Bon repas et convivialité, idéal pour une journée out of the office.
Many thanks for inviting me to this very interesting session. Great hospitality, ideal for a day out of the office.
It was a well organised event and I very much enjoyed the presentations and educative sessions. Well done. I’d like to highlight the well balanced schedule with a good mix of themes and topics presented by a well selected group of specialists in their respective field. I am looking forward to attend future events.
Thank you for a conference with many great speakers and up-to-date information about the new cybersecurity arena. Listening to informative presentations from top speakers gave inspiration as well as knowledge for ways to work against e-crime. I am happy that I participated.
I found it to be an extremely valuable source of information in the security space and to see what other organisations within finance and non-finance are doing in this space. The real life case studies and attacks being discussed were an eye opener. I would say if you’re in the security space, this is a MUST to attend.
This was my third visit and once again the speakers were excellent and they condensed lots of relevant and interesting information within their presentations. The elective breakout seminars give a more in-depth look at topics, and the network breaks allowed me to speak to vendors about their products and services.
AKJ has been a valuable partner for us for a few years now, enabling us to build relationships and engage with the CISO community in a number of key territories across Europe. The events they hold are a great vehicle for discussing the latest challenges and opportunities in the security sector, and our work with them has delivered way beyond expectations.
The whole day was informative from start to end. Some of the speakers were able to introduce real passion and fun into what could be seen as a dry topic to the outsider. The breakout sessions I went to were packed out and were delivered by knowledgeable speakers, authorities in their own area who engaged their audiences well. Expect to be challenged in your thinking, meet some new people facing similar issues to you, and enjoy being looked after by the catering team.
C’était ma première participation à cet événement. Et ce ne sera pas la dernière. Car au-delà de la logistique (parfaite), la gestion du temps (militaire !) et la prévenance de l’équipe d’organisation (discrète et gentille), les présentations sont de grande qualité, ainsi que les partenaires en exposition. Je n’ai pas pu échanger en détail avec tous mais les solutions de 2 partenaires ont retenu mon attention et il est probable qu’on organise un POC au moins avec l’un d’entre eux. Rien que cela valait le déplacement.
It was the first time I've participated in this event, and it won't be the last. In addition to the logistics (perfect), the management of time (military!), and the thoughtfulness of the organising team (discreet and amiable), the presentations were good, as were the exhibiting partners. I wasn't able to discuss in detail with everyone but the solutions of two partners caught my attention, and it's likely we'll organise a POC with at least one of them.That alone was worth the trip.
This was my third Congress. I enjoyed this well organised event, which always gives me fresh insights and ideas. I will definitely be back next year.
We have sponsored PCI London for several years at the in-person events. I was slightly apprehensive of the switch to digital; however, the team was extremely organised and effective with communication. The event platform was clean and easy to use, and deliverables were met compared to other virtual events we’ve done. Thank you to the PCI London team for bringing the community together effectively and congratulations on another successful event.
Thank you for a wonderful and, indeed, inspiring congress! I learned a great deal. I really do appreciate the enormous effort is put into the congress. It's why so many of us come back year after year after year.
e-Crime is one of the best conferences that are happening in the region. The real essence of this conference is that it is very focused on information security challenges and trends. The speakers always have something great to share and talk about as most of them are from the same region so it is very specific to the challenges that we all are facing. The conference is not product or vendor biased as well which makes it more attractive however we get the chance to meet the right vendors to understand the new technologies that are available to manage the challenges. You guys are doing a great job and I am sure you will continue to do so.
Merci pour l’invitation, ce fut une journée très enrichissante en rencontres et partage de connaissances. Encore bravo pour l’organisation et merci pour le super accueil.
Thank you for the invitation, it was a day full of enriching networking and information-sharing. Congratulations once again for the organisation, and thank you for the excellent welcome.
The event was great. The speakers and presentations were of a very high standard compared to other events I have attended. The networking was above and beyond with so many companies and positions. The venue was in a great location and provided excellent catering for everyone to enjoy. I will recommend other security colleagues to attend in the future.
AKJ Associates are masters at bringing together the right people, at the right place and the right time in an event that enables us to make the right connections.
Die Agenda ist perfekt vorbreitet. Eine vorbildliche und sehr effiziente Organisation.
The agenda was perfectly arranged; organisation was exemplary and very efficient
This was a well-designed event, with a wide range of experts in e-crime. Presentations were all informative, punchy and to-the-point, and there were some absolutely outstanding speakers. There was just the right amount of time for networking, and the vendors were well chosen and interesting. It could not have been better.
Muchas gracias por darme la oportunidad de poder participar en el evento, me resulto muy interesante, supero al anterior, los ponentes como siempre de primer orden y las ponencias claras, directas, dirigidas a proponer soluciones a los problemas que tenemos todos como usuarios de las redes.
Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to participate in the event. I found it very interesting, even surpassing the previous one. The speakers were as always of the highest order and the presentations were clear, direct and aimed at proposing solutions to the problems we all have as users of the networks.
I thoroughly enjoyed the 2 days. It was extremely well coordinated and all talks added value and held my interest. Some of the revelations regarding the changing e-Crime and Information Security landscape were quite eye-opening. Clearly a lot of very positive work has been done, more encouragement is needed to harmonise approaches among industry and law enforcement professionals in face of a constantly shifting landscape. The e-Crime congress was an opportunity to meet some of the top minds in the field and share their views on how this can be done.
Merci pour ce bel évenement et une attention spéciale pour l'équipe d'accueil qui a fait un travail formidable. Ils étaient tous très accessibles, disponibles. Encore merci pour vos efforts et l'organisation impeccable de cet évenement, très bonne continuation et a bientôt pour un autre eCrime sur la planète.
Thank you for this great event, and a special mention for the welcoming team, who did a fantastic job. They were all very approachable and available. Thank you again for your efforts and the impeccable organisation of this event - best wishes for the future, and see you soon for another of the global e-Crime events.
I had an amazing time discussing and sharing knowledge about Threat Hunting and other cyber security areas. The audience was from multiple backgrounds within the Information Security space and this brought different views on the subjects.
The sponsors shared a lot of useful information which will definitely help me personally when building the future strategies around Cyber Operations.
Thank you very much for the invitation and I am looking forward to the next events!
The e-Crime France summit provides the opportunity to share and exchange information regarding the common problems of data security, with a rich and varied audience who, according to their functions, have differing perspectives. This collision of ideas allows us to approach best practices and regulatory constraints (in place or to come) from new angles.
Informative, interesting, intriguing, inspirational. The speakers and break-out sessions were excellent, as was the overall theme of the conference. A well organised event and one to which I will definitely plan to return.
Organizing is an art which AKJ Associates understands very well. Their strength is their dedication to connecting information security stakeholders and service suppliers around the globe. It’s not just AKJ’s hard work but also the human interaction which makes it pleasant to work with these professionals. And our participation in the e-Crime & Information Security Congress was obviously worth it.
Evento muy bien organizado, ajustándose en todo momento a la agenda prevista. Contenidos de las sesiones muy variados e interesantes y presentados por oradores relevantes en el sector, amenos y conocedores de la materia impartida. Presentación de últimas tendencias en productos de seguridad, así como facilidad para establecer contacto con sus fabricantes en el área de exhibición. Oportunidad para relacionarse con profesionales de otras empresas y/o sectores con problemáticas similares e intercambiar experiencias. En definitiva, un día bien aprovechado.
Very well-organised event, adhering at all times to the planned agenda. The contents of the sessions were very varied and interesting and presented by relevant speakers in the sector, entertaining and knowledgeable of the subject taught. There were presentations of the latest trends in security products, and it was easy to contact their manufacturers in the exhibition area. There was also the opportunity to interact with professionals from other companies and / or sectors with similar problems and exchange experiences. In short, a day well spent.
As ever a cracking event by AKJ bringing the e-Crime Congress to Edinburgh. Edinburgh has a large, dynamic and entrepreneurial Cyber and IS demographic and it was exceptional to see this recognised by AKJ on hosting this event! Great speakers, thought provoking discussion and innovative vendor – a great a way to kick off this event!
Merci pour l’invitation au salon e-Crime et bravo pour la qualité des présentations et pour les différentes thématiques abordées.
Many thanks for the invitation to attend the e-Crime Congress France and congratulations for the quality of presentations, as well as for the variety of topics discussed.
Just wanted to thank you for the invitation for today’s lunch. I found it hugely useful and very interesting - many thanks.
Eine wirklich gelungene Veranstaltung mit sehr, sehr vielen interessanten Beiträgen.
A really successful event with many very interesting contributions.
e-Crime Congress is one of very few events now I tend to attend as the quality of the topics and presentations are of high standard and quite topical. In addition I find that the event provides an excellent opportunity for networking and sharing information with peers. I wish to express my thanks to AKJ for organising and hosting such a great event.
I have been presenting at PCI and eCrime events for more than a year now and every time the day has turned out to be great. The AKJ team has always been helpful and very professional before, during and after the event. The main point for us is the interesting discussions we have with all the delegates who attend these events. They often come back to us afterwards and request a demo of our solution that often leads to a sale. If you are serious about PCI DSS this is the place to be. See you at the next event!
This is a great event which has many informative presentations from vendors and business sectors. I also use this time to meet new and old colleagues to exchange knowledge and points of view.
J'ai apprécié cette série de conférences très bien menées et pertinentes, ainsi que les moments d'échange qui suivaient avec les différents fournisseurs. L'organisation était réussie. Je suis en effet très intéressé par la mise a disposition des présentations de cette journée.
I have enjoyed this series of very well-organised and relevant conferences, as well as the associated opportunities for discussion with different suppliers. The organisation was very successful and I look forward to accessing the presentations from the day.
An exceptionally well organised event, with a wide-range of speakers covering a variety of thought provoking topics! It was amazing to see and meet a wide spectrum of attendees from IT, Information Risk, Legal and Technical backgrounds who all have common ground of moving this subject forward in their organisations.