
09:00 - 09:50

Breakfast Networking & Registration

09:50 - 10:00

Chair’s Opening Remarks

10:00 - 10:20

►l’Unité Nationale Cyber and Gendarmerie Nationale in the fight against cybercrime

Lieutenant-colonel Jean-Eudes LECOMTE, Deputy Head of Division, Unité Nationale Cyber

  • The current threat landscape
  • Revised structure within the Ministry of the Interior for cyber-related operations
  • Enhanced cybersecurity protocols and efforts by the gendarmerie to combat cybercrime
10:20 - 10:40

►Why It’s Time to Secure Your SaaS Data

Pierre Robert, Regional Director for Southern Europe, AppOmni    

  • SaaS adoption and high-profile SaaS data breaches have exploded over the past decade — and neither shows any sign of slowing down. 
  • This session will show how enterprises can protect every application in their SaaS stack
  • 3rd party app connections
  • Robust SaaS security solutions
10:40 - 11:00

►Cyber Regulation: A catalyst for transformation?

Grégory Boghossian, Deputy Director of Cyber Regulatory Activities, La Banque Postale

  • Do the new regulations make it easier to secure businesses?
  • Do more rules mean more resources?
  • The impact of NIS2 & DORA
  • The evolving role of the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) in the era of cyber regulation
11:00 - 11:30

Networking Break

11:30 - 11:50

►AI Act: key points and implementation tips 

Sarah Lenoir, Attorney, Alkeemia Avocat

  • AI context ‘based on business and cybersecurity use cases
  • Stakes and risks of using artificial intelligence systems
  • AI Act: between innovation and regulation through a risk-based approach
  • AI : deployment tips and approach to avoid risks
11:50 - 12:10

►SOC : how to optimize Incident Response with Open NDR

Youssef AGHARMINE, Systems Engineer, Southern Europe, Corelight 
Eric Le Doucen, Regional Director, Corelight 

  • Discover how the Open NDR Platform enhances incident response! 
  • Time is critical in incident response. Response teams need to swiftly identify dangerous incidents, distinguish them from non-threatening ones, and verify their occurrence to promptly address the most severe threats and prevent further damage.
12:10 - 12:30

►Reduce the financial impact of cyberattacks

Pierre-François Guglielmi, Field CTO EMEA, Rubrik

  • Proactively reduce the attack surface
  • Restore the environment without reinfection
  • Meet NIS2, DORA and GDPR compliance
12:30 - 13:00

►The importance of sustainability (ESG) in cybersecurity

Rebecca Gibergues, Executive Director EMEA, FS-ISAC (Moderator)
Olivier Nautet, Group Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) Head of Cybersecurity & Digital Fraud (CDF), BNP Paribas
Delphine Larrant, Chief Sustainability Officer for Group Cybersecurity, BNP Paribas

  • Why should Cybersecurity play a part in ESG ambitions?
  • Concretely what is ESG for Cybersecurity?
  • A few examples of what can be implemented by CISOs
13:00 - 14:00

Lunch Networking Break

14:00 - 14:20

►Bridging the Gap: aligning cyber risk with business objectives

Thomas Degardin, Group Cybersecurity Coordinator, Bouygues

  • Risks vs vulnerabilities : same concept?
  • Integrating cybersecurity strategies directly into the planning and execution of business goals.
  • Involving the Board and all stakeholders: Increasing Cybersecurity Participation as a collaborative effort
14:20 - 14:40

►Securing the Generative AI Revolution

Francois Chevalier, Country Manager – France, CyberProof

  • The rapid proliferation of generative AI (GenAI) technologies in enterprises is transforming business landscapes but also introduces novel security challenges. By 2026, over 80% of businesses are projected to adopt GenAI models, APIs, or applications, yet only a fraction are adequately mitigating cybersecurity risks. 
  • Security leaders need to explore multifaceted security considerations emerging from GenAI adoption, focusing on areas such as: interface layer vulnerabilities, evolving application layer dynamics, and the foundational data layer's security implications. 
  • Moreover, hyper-realistic AI-generated content is now a turnkey weapon for scalable fraud. As deception technology proliferates, attacks are exponentially increasing across all threat vectors. 
  • How do you protect against AI threats of today and tomorrow? CyberProof will look at case studies where such attacks occurred and how we detect and respond to this type of fraud.
14:40 - 15:00

►Is the cyber insurance industry ready for the wave of new technologies?

Ezechiel Symenouh, Cyber Underwriter - France, Benelux & Nordics, Tokio Marine HCC

  • Cyber threat landscape 2023/2024 and its impact on the cyber insurance industry
  • AI: benefits and risks for the cyber risk landscape
  • Key underwriting considerations in the current cyber threat landscape
15:00 - 15:30

Networking Break

15:30 - 16:00

►CISO Panel Discussion

Rebecca Gibergues, Executive Director EMEA, FS-ISAC (Moderator)  
Stéphane Boua, CISO Groupe, Les Echos-Le Parisien
Thomas Degardin, Group Cybersecurity Coordinator, Bouygues
Grégory Boghossian, Deputy Director of Cyber Regulatory Activities, La Banque Postale 
Valérie Doye, Assistant CISO, ACMOSS sous la tutelle du Ministère de l’Intérieur et des Outre-mer

  • Integrating cybersecurity into wider enterprise risk management frameworks  
  • Becoming a more strategic partner to the business 
  • Building resilience against third-party security threats  
  • Securing new technologies and services  
  • Incident response and problem management  

Chair’s Closing Remarks & Conference Close