Sponsor Information / Exhibitor Manual

FAQs For Sponsors At e-Crime & Cybersecurity Congress, Zurich, Switzerland, 18th September, 2024 


 1) Conference logistics:    


The venueYour exhibition standDeliveriesDelegate listsSponsor delegate tickets    

2) Deliverables that might be part of your conference package:


Company profilePresentation detailsOne page advertsArticles


If you cannot find the information you require on this page below please contact Olivia Woodward, AKJ Associates, Email: olivia@akjassociates.com 

This event is organised by AKJ Associates. 4 Bloomsbury Square, Holborn, London, WC1A 2RP. 

1) Conference logistics:    


The Venue

Where does the event take place?

Max-Bill-Platz 19
8050 Zurich, Switzerland

Directions: Please click here

Who is my contact at the venue?

Jan Lim
T +41.44.564.04.04  F +41.44.564.04.00 
E events@zrhcy.ch 

Can I park at the event?

A parking garage is available next to the hotel. Parking costs CHF 50.00 per day 

Will there be internet access at the venue?

There is a free internet available on the day



Your Exhibition Stand

What do we get as part of our stand?
Your exhibition space is 3m wide x 2m deep x 2m tall and you will be provided with a regular table, two regular chairs and a power/extension cable. It is your responsibility to organise your own pop-up stands and lighting to taste. Please note that AKJ Associates assumes no liability for any missing, broken or damaged materials.

Can my stand be larger than 3m X 2m?
No, unfortunately given the space available for the stands, 3m X 2m is the largest that each stand can be.

Can we jazz up our stand?
There are no requirements regarding the appearance of your stand, yet we encourage our sponsors to make it appealing to delegates in the way they choose, provided it fits in the space allocated (3m x 2m x 2m). Delegates generally like to take away brochures, chocolates, pens and other interesting giveaways. Competitions are also usually popular. Plasma screens and other electronic equipment can help display your products. 

Can we move any of the furniture provided at my stand / at the event?

No, only the venue can move furniture. If you need any assistance please ask a member of the AKJ team who will coordinate with the venue for you.

Renting extra equipment

For renting additional equipment, including AV, please contact:  

Jan Lim
T +41.44.564.04.04  F +41.44.564.04.00 
E events@zrhcy.ch 

Examples of stands:



Can we confirm our stand location in advance?

No, all stand positions are allocated on arrival and are pre-determined.

Are some stand locations better than others?
No, all stands are the same size and located to allow good access and flow.

Can we set up our stand the night before?
No, we do not have access to the hotel the day before the event.

Event timings

Timings are subject to change.

Wednesday 18th September 2024
07.00 – 08.00: Stand set up time 
08.00 – 08.50: Delegate registration and breakfast networking
08.50 – 17.30: Conference presentations and networking & refreshment breaks 
17.30 – 18.00: Break down stands


Where do I send my stand and what information do I need to include on the label?

The delivery address is;
Max-Bill-Platz 19
8050 Zurich, Switzerland

Deliveries should be clearly marked with your company name, event name (e-Crime & Cybersecurity Switzerland), AKJ Associates and for the attention of Jan Lim.   

When can I send my items to the venue?

Deliveries will be accepted starting: 2 working days prior to the event depending on the size of the items. 

Kindly note that it is your responsibility to make all necessary freight, insurance and customs clearance arrangements for incoming or outgoing materials. The Victoria Park Plaza nor AKJ Associates assume no liability for delivered parcels.

How long can I leave my items at the venue after the event?

There is no post event storage so items should be shipped taken with you or shipped post event on 18th September. 


Please note that AKJ Associates takes no responsibility for any delivery related matters, either pre or post event. Please liaise directly with the venue to ensure the successful delivery and pick-up of your items.



Delegate Lists

Can I get a copy of the delegate list before the event?
No. You will be sent an electronic delegate list on the day of the event. 

How can I find out if my client is attending the event beforehand?

If you would like to know who is attending the event beforehand please visit the event homepage for a list of organisations registered to attend. You will also find there a list of typical job titles of event delegates.

If I have any questions about the delegate list who can I ask?
Your Account Manager will be happy to assist you with any questions you might have regarding delegate lists.

Who would be the best people to attend this event from my company?
As the delegates at this event will be very senior we recommend you send experienced sales and technical professionals who can converse with this calibre of attendees. Please contact your AKJ Associates account manager for more tips on using the event effectively. 

How can my team collect more delegate details on the day?

  • Run competitions where delegates enter with their business card or a short entry form you have designed. You are welcome to draw the winner at the end of the day in the main room on the stage.
  • Swap business cards during conversations throughout the day, nothing beats old fashioned face-to-face meetings.

Will I receive a Badge Scanner at the event?

A badge scanner will be available for you to use at the event. Scanned leads will be shared with your company post event. A member of your team should pick up the scanner from the conference registration desk from 7am. You will be shown how to use the scanner and asked to sign our terms and conditions. It will then be your responsibility to use the scanner throughout the day. The scanner must be returned at the end of the event.

Additional scanners may be available (subject to availability) at £250 + VAT. Please contact your Account Manager for further information at least a week before the conference.


Sponsor Delegate Tickets

How can I find out how many tickets my package includes?
You can find this information in your contract. If you are having a presentation at the conference, the number of tickets you have includes speakers.

Can I register sponsor delegates on the day?
No, all sponsor delegates must be registered beforehand by providing their name, job title, company name, phone number and email address at least two weeks prior to the event.

Where should sponsor delegates report into on the day of the event?
Please first head to the event’s registration desk to collect your badge. ID will be required and badges must be worn all day. There will be no admittance to the exhibition, seminar or conference rooms outside of the timings stated in this page.

Can I buy extra sponsor delegate tickets? 
Extra sponsor delegate tickets may be available for purchase at a discounted rate of £250 + VAT. Please contact your Account Manager for more information and to check availability.

Can I invite clients to the event?
Guest tickets for your end-user clients may be available for this event. Please contact your Account Manager for more information and to check availability.

How can my team make the most out of networking at the event?

  • Bring plenty of business cards to swap.
  • Move away from your stand and into the central areas of the exhibition area.
  • Feel free to initiate chats with delegates during the many networking breaks.


Company Profiles & Logos

Where will my company profile and logo be displayed?

  • On the event website.
  • In the event guide distributed on the day to each delegate.

How long can my company profile be?
300 words maximum. We encourage you to include your preferred company URL link. You are most welcome to tailor the profile to suit your participation and the target audience. Please note only one version of your company profile can be accessed throughout the website regardless of the event sponsored.

What format do I need to submit my logo in?

  1. High resolution .png with transparent background.
  2. .eps for the event guide (and stage graphics for Strategic Sponsors).

Do I need to re-submit my company profile & logo, if I have already sponsored an AKJ Associates event?

If you have sponsored an AKJ event in the past, we will automatically use the same company profile & logo you have already submitted. We are, however, happy to update or change it on the current event website at any point in time. We can also update or change it in the event guide up to two weeks before it goes to print.


Presentation Details


What details do we need to know for the presentation slides? 

  • The presentation slides should in 16:9 pptx format and recommend having 10 to 20 slides based on the time allocation.
  • Speaker notes are not shown in the Master slides.
  • Please do not send slides via Google slides as they change animations & fonts. Please use PowerPoint.

What details do we need to provide regarding the presenter/s?
For each presenter we need to know their job title, company name, email & mobile number, so that our Content team can contact them regarding their presentation.

A speaker biography (maximum 300 words) is also required for the event website and the event guide distributed to delegates on the day.

Where will my presentation details be used?
Your synopsis will be used in marketing communications, on the event website and in the event guides distributed to delegates on the day.

Who do I inform if I require internet access for a presentation?
Please contact the person listed at the top of this page who would be happy to look into this for you.

When do I need to submit the presentation slides?
The presentation slides need to be submitted two weeks prior to the event directly to the Content team.

When will I find out the agenda timings?

The agenda will be available on the event’s website approximately two weeks before the event.

How do I know if we are presenting a plenary session or an education seminar?
Please check your contract to confirm the type and number of sessions you are presenting, if any.

What are the types of presentations and what is their audience?

There are two types of presentations: plenary sessions and education seminars. Plenary sessions last 20 minutes and are delivered to the full delegation.

Education seminars run concurrently for 30 minutes to an audience of up to 30 participants and complement plenary sessions.

Plenary Presentations

Plenary synopsis:

The synopsis should contain a title and three bullet points of information.

Some examples can be seen in our e-magazine for Securing The Financial Services 2023, by clicking here. 

Plenary logistics:

  • We encourage using Power Point presentations, prezi, videos etc.
  • We encourage you to use a large font size so that delegates at the back of the audience can read your slides
  • We will run the slides from our AV system, however please do bring a USB back-up of your slides with you on the day in the eventuality that it will be needed
  • Feel free to bring any printouts, tablets, laptops etc. with you if you have notes.
  • Once you sign-in at the event registration desk please meet our Content Team person you have been in touch with, in the plenary hall during breaks so that they can check your slides are working as you expect.

Education Seminars

Education Seminar synopsis:

The synopsis should contain a title, an introductory paragraph to the topic and four or five bullet points detailing what delegates will learn if they choose to attend the seminar.

Some examples can be seen in our e-magazine for Securing The Financial Services 2023, by clicking here.

  • We encourage you to make your outlines as catchy, valuable and relevant as possible because a number of education seminars run concurrently leaving the audience to choose which to attend based on this synopsis.
  • Our experience suggests that delegates are more likely to choose a seminar that provides either practical knowledge on how best to overcome a challenge or information that they are unaware of relating to a threat.

Education Seminar logistics:

  • If you have signed up for two education seminar slots you may conduct your seminars on two different topics or you may also deliver the same seminar twice. We recommend that you conduct two different seminars where possible in order to increase your potential audience share.
  • You will be provided with a HDMI laptop connection for the projector but will need to organise your own laptop for the presentation. If you would like any other adaptors then you would need to bring these with you, we do not provide alternative adaptors. 
  • If you have an exhibition booth at the event an AKJ representative will come to collect you there 30 minutes before your time slot. If you do not have an exhibition booth at the event please come to the registration desk 30 minutes before your time slot. Please note that you are ultimately responsible for ensuring correct technical set-up prior to delegates arriving at your seminar.
  • It is important that all Education Seminars do not overrun and finish after 30 minutes (the allocated time period). After 25 minutes the Education Seminar speaker will be given a 5 minute warning, and after the full time allocation the doors will be opened and all delegates will be ushered back into the main networking area.


One Page Adverts

Where will my advert be used?
It will be used in the event magazine.

Should I follow any particular specifications?
Your advert will be included in a digital publication, so please provide your AD to the following specifications: 
• Page dimensions = 210mm wide x 297mm high (A4 portrait) 
• A high-resolution PDF (150dpi is sufficient) optimised for screen viewing. 
• All fonts and images must be embedded at 150dpi. 
• Preferred format is RGB but will also accept CMYK format. 
If your AD has a bleed, then please supply the AD with crop marks to aid positioning of the AD. 
Note: If you only have a CMYK print-ready version of your AD, this is also acceptable as long as it complies to our page dimensions.

Can I see some examples of one page adverts?

Yes. Please find several examples throughout our Securing The Financial Services 2023 e-magazine, by clicking here.



Where will my article be used?

The article provided will be used in the event magazine.

How many words long should my article be?

Please check your contract to confirm how many words your article should contain. Around 600 words will fit on each page, although it will be fewer if you include images. If you do include images please also send them as separate high resolution image attachments (.eps or .jpeg) along with your email.

What happens if I go over my word limit?

We can accommodate up to 10% above or below the word limit. If your article is significantly above the word limit we will kindly ask you to re-submit it. Alternatively if you have missed your deadline we will edit it down appropriately for you. If you article is significantly below the word limit we will request extra text or an image to fill the space where possible. 

Should I submit my article in a particular format?

Yes, please submit the article in a Word Document format.
Who would be a good colleague to write this article?

Anyone who can provide useful, valuable or educational information. Do not forget to include the author's name, job title and company name when you submit the article. To encourage delegates to visit your exhibition stand we recommend the author takes this opportunity to demonstrate they understand the issues delegates are facing by providing one/some of the following: 

  • A customer or anonymised case study including the challenges and solutions found.
  • Examples of innovative projects and programmes that have had successful and proven results.
  • Neutral advice on how strategic or technical problems can be solved.
  • Insights on emerging trends in the industry and what they mean for strategies.
  • Complementary details leading up to, or following on from a, presentation they will deliver at the conference.

Do we need to include a bibliography?

Yes, please include a bibliography when you are referencing specific facts or sources. This is to prove the guidance you are providing is accurate.

How can readers of my article find out more information about my company?

Please include a closing sentence including your URL or contact details for those who would like further information. If you would like to reference an employee’s contact details, please ensure you have their consent.

Will I see the article before it is printed?

Usually, yes. Once you submit your article, it will be formatted into the AKJ Associates house style by our design team. You will then be emailed a .pdf copy for your approval. Kindly note that if you miss the article submission deadline, we reserve the right to go to press without requesting or receiving your sign-off. 

Can I see some examples of articles formatted to the AKJ Associates house style?

Yes. Please find several examples in our e-magazine for Securing The Financial Services 2023, by clicking here.